As the project is closed, visitors should forward their requests to (+31) (0)317 427537

Submit your abstract

Few simple steps:

Do you want to present your work at the next ODSE workshop in Prague? Get the chance to show your results with a 20-minute talk by submitting your abstract on Pretalx.
Remember that submitting and presenting your work at ODSE workshop 2022 is free of charge!

The workshop follows the main topics of the project:
1. Dynamic mapping of land cover, vegetation, climate and environmental quality indices,
2. Spatiotemporal Machine Learning using Ensemble techniques,
3. Earth Data Cubes: spatiotemporal overlay, modeling and visualization,
4. Geocomputing and geo-harmonization using Python, R and Open Source GIS GDAL, GRASS GIS, QGIS
5. Processing large raster datasets using High Performance and Distributed Computing,
6. Using geospatial harmonized European map products.
7. Using AR/VR for geospatial data visualisation

• 6th of May 2022 — selection of abstracts and invitation letters sent
• 15th of May 2022 — training session registrations close

This call for papers requires you to submit personal information (name, email address). All information is handled by the Geo-harmonizer consortium. If you don’t feel confortable submitting such information, please contact PhD. Eva Matouskova


Online, on Pretalx


Deadline: 1 May 2022 23:59 (Europe/Prague)

Abstract submission deadline:

Hurry up! Do not miss the chance to present your work during the ODSE 2022 conference days: