Output 7.a: Dissemination and engagement pathways established, utilised and impact monitored for feedback into sustainability planning

Prepared by: Terrasigna, OpenGeoHub
Executive summary
The dissemination strategy of the Geo-harmonizer project details all activities and defines the framework for the interactions with the wider community, with the scope of extensively sharing the results of the project. The document has 4 main chapters: introduction, overall strategy, dissemination activities and report on impact. After highlighting the purpose of the document in the introduction, the strategy defines the principles that guide all actions, such as respecting Intellectual Property Rights or coordinating activities as no results remain unshared and duplication is avoided. The target groups, as well as channels of communications are defined together with the guidelines for preparing the dissemination messages, including the funding acknowledgement and visual identity. The dissemination activities described fall into several categories, that range from planned events, to peer-reviewed publications and website creation and maintenance. Given the nature of Geo-harmonizer results, an important focus is on the steps to publish the added-value datasets created. The last chapter address the quantification of the impact that the dissemination activities have over specific periods of time and proposes a series of reporting strategies.
The dissemination strategy of the Geo-harmonizer is accessible as PDF document.