7.c: A minimum of 3 co-development sessions with one from each of the following priority directions: climate, protection of the environment, sustainable use of resources

Prepared by: mundialis and Terrasigna
Executive summary
The Geo-harmonizer project was designed within the lines of 3 main directions: (1) to use open data and open source (2) to create new added-value map products for the Geo-harmonizer region and (3) – defined in the spirit of openness, in data licensing and software development – to create a two-fold framework that will allow firstly for the Geo-harmonizer consortium members to closely collaborate, exchange ideas and co-develop and secondly, for the Geo-harmonizer team to engage with the wider community, presenting Geo-harmonizer results and collecting feedback.
To achieve it, different types of events have been defined and planned for the whole duration of the project: (1) workshops – with 2 types of sections: presentations and co-dev trainings and (2) consortium co-dev session meetings.
Although the Geo-harmonizer project development period has overlapped with the COVID-19 pandemic spread, the team has managed to successfully adapt the initial plan of the co-dev trainings and consortium co-dev session meetings to meet the project’s requirements. Thus, with all precaution measures taken, in September 2021 within the international workshop Open Data Science Europe, the Geo-harmonizer team prepared and led several co-dev trainings with all materials – written tutorials and video recordings – made available, under an open license.

As the co-dev trainings were built upon the added-value datasets created within the Geo-harmonizer activities, the main environmental topics were related to climate, the protection of the environment and a sustainable use of environmental resources.
Following the success of the 2021 Geo-harmonizer hybrid event, the team is preparing a new hybrid Open Data Science Europe international workshop in Prague, in June 2022 with co-dev training sessions planned for the first 2 days of the event.
With regard to the consortium co-dev session meetings, the team is preparing a hybrid meeting at the beginning of April, in Bucharest, Romania.