4.a: Geo-harmonizer Geodata-portal with Integrated Metadata catalogue with thorough documentation

Prepared by: OpenGeoHub and mundialis
Executive summary
The Geo-harmonizer data portal (working name “Open Data Science Europe Viewer”) is available via https://maps.opendatascience.eu. The data portal was implemented in React using OpenLayers library and Geoserver, and is compatible with Desktop, mobile phone and tablet technology. It also includes a 3D viewer (based on Cesium) and a REST API service (point queries). A copy of data is available on the OpenGeoHub Wasabi.com service so that all users can access data without restrictions. Computational tutorials are provided here. The metadata catalogue can be queried using Python API implemented by eumap library.
The data portal already lists the majority of outputs delivered in output o3a, o3b and o3c.